Our big boy is 9 months old!
still think he will walk early, but for now he is crawling like an
absolute pro. He is seriously fast and when he wants something he will
fly across the floor to get
it so fast that it’s hard to catch him sometimes. Kind of makes me
dread the day that he does learn to walk! He is still the happiest,
sweetest baby on the planet. He loves to be held and isn’t usually very
fussy about who can hold him most of the time.
We’ve been to several family parties lately and he’s been passed around
from person to person with no issues. On the contrary – he is more
than happy to snuggle up to whoever’s got him! He has found his voice
and while he’s quieter that Evie was, he can
still talk up a storm if he’s in the mood. One of his favorite things
to do is find something to bang (a table, his high chair, our faces) and
yell “DADADADADA!” His Aunt Sha-Sha couldn’t believe how much he
talked the last time she was in town! He says
Dada, Mama and Ba, along with other intelligible sounds. I still don’t
think anything has any real meaning yet. However, while he doesn’t
grasp the meaning of the names yet, I have noticed that when he’s happy,
he tends to babble ‘Dada’ and when he’s upset
he’ll say ‘Mama” (while reaching for me).
is our little foodie. He will eat pretty much anything. He’s gets his
baby food well and really loves Cheerios. We can only put a few on the
tray at a time because
he’ll stuff them all in his face and store them in his cheeks like a
squirrel. I’ve been a little more lenient this time around when it
comes to food and I’ve given him tastes of things other than just baby
food. I was a little crazy with Evie and wouldn’t
let her try much until after she turned a year, but I feel more
confident in trying things with Mitchell. He love avocado. He’s tried
bites of green beans, mashed potatoes and Brussel sprouts. He’s had a
smidgeon of whipped cream, a few crumbs of a short
bread cookie, a tiny taste of ice cream, a crumble of bread pudding, a
bite of scrambled eggs and a couple of bacon bits too. I try to limit
it to things that have been prepared at home or that are store bought so
that I know exactly what the ingredients
are. I don’t like giving him anything from a restaurant (unless it’s
something his daddy made) because I’m not sure what’s in it and if he
has does have an allergic reaction, I wouldn’t know what caused it.
He finally got his first tooth a few weeks ago (at almost exactly 9 months). We could tell it was bothering him and we were very happy when it decided to poke through his gums. Since then, he’s also gotten a second tooth on the bottom. He won’t have his 9 month checkup until a few weeks so I’m not sure what he weighs, but he’s outgrowing the 9 month clothes. He’s getting so big!!