We are all eagerly anticipating some warmer weather. It’s seems as if this winter has lingered FOREVER! Evelyn got some darling sundresses for her birthday that she can’t wait to wear and Mitch comes downstairs almost daily wearing shorts. He doesn’t know why I insist that he change before he leaves the house.
We’ve got a lot planned for the next few months and I feel like the kids and I are going to be doing a lot of driving on the weekends to and from KY. Thanks goodness they are good in the car. We have DVD player in our van, but I’ve been trying to keep it turned off for at least half of our trips. I’ve been getting CD’s from the library and we spent the past two trips singing songs and laughing. One of the kids favorite songs right now is “Wild Angels” by Martina McBride. They know all the words and man can they belt it out!
We were in town last Sunday for Shannon’s Bridal shower for my mom’s side of the family. That’s around 5 hours round trip in the car for the kids. They did well though. Evelyn got to go with me to Shannon’s shower and Mitch hung out with my dad all afternoon. They went to T&W, the store, to visit GG and of course they had to stop for a visit to the train park. Mitch watched some trains go by and found a railroad spike to take home. I’m hoping we can find a nice display case for it to hang on a the wall (you know, instead of sleeping with it and bringing it to school…which is what Mitchell wants to do with it.)
Evelyn had ball at the shower with us. She played with Josie, Maria and Gianna. As outgoing and social as Evie is, she gets very intimidated by Josie and Maria. They are in the first grade and in the same class at school so they know each other very well. One on one, Evelyn does fine with them. But whenever they are together, Evie tends to keep her distance a little more and stick closer to me. They were very sweet to her though so hopefully this will pass with time. Gianna was a total trip. She turned 4 in Dec. so she’s a little bit older than Mitchell. She is so talkative and so funny – I get the biggest kick out of her! Evelyn also go to play with sweet baby Quinn. She wants so much to play with Asa, but she knows that Asa is still a little bit too young. Plus Evelyn knows that Asa loves Aunt Malia SO much so I need to hold her as much as possible. Hee hee…