Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Swim Lessons

The boy finally started swim lessons yesterday.  We tried lessons two years ago with dismal results and decided to wait until Mitch was more comfortable.  Well two years later and he was still insisting that he was never taking lessons – EVER.  I usually let him take the lead on stuff because I know it can be difficult for him to try new things.  But in this case, I put my foot down.  It’s a life skill buddy and you have to learn.  So I signed him up for Goldfish Swim School, bought him a new pair of Star Wars swim trucks and some neon green googles and carried him to the pool.  Literally.  He refused to walk so I had to carry him to the pool and sit him down in the water.  Luckily, he didn’t pitch a fit once he got in the water.  He seemed to do pretty well.  He was cautious and a little bit reluctant, but he tried to do whatever was asked for him.  I hope we’re doing the right thing with these lessons.  Evelyn had six private lessons before we started her at Goldfish.  But Mitch has more experience in the water than she did at this age because we’ve belonged to a pool for the past few summers.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed that his is good experience for him!


Friday, April 12, 2019

The cruller

A co-worker of mine brought doughnuts into work today for everyone.  I was going to eat my much less delicious, but better for me breakfast of yogurt and oatmeal.  But I noticed she had gotten a cruller.  These are one of my favorites and anytime I eat one, I think of my mom. 

 For several years while I was in grade school, my mom helped plan the Grandparents Day breakfast during Catholic School Week.  I remember going with her early in the morning to pick up giant boxes of glazed, iced and sprinkled Dunkin Donuts.  We would pile the boxes into her minivan and drive everything back to Milligan Hall at St. Pius.  My doughnut of choice back then was the classic chocolate iced with rainbow sprinkles, but I remember my mom told me that she preferred the light and airy cruller.  I can’t remember why she liked them (her doughnut of choice the past several years was the caramel iced from Emerson`s), but I know that she did. 

 I haven’t thought about those days in a long time, but eating my cruller this morning brought back a whole lot of memories.  Being with my mom in the van and driving down dark and empty streets while thinking we were probably the only people awake that early in the morning.  The smell of the coffee being made.  The enormous yellow and red drink dispensers filled with McDonald’s orange Hi-C.  The laughter as my siblings and I ran around the tables in Milligan Hall and tried to sneak a doughnut when no one was looking.  My mom making sure to take care of every last detail so that everyone could enjoy coffee and doughnuts with grandparents.

 It's such a simple memory, but it makes me miss those days.  They were kind of like a cruller.  On the surface, uncomplicated and unassuming. But inside, filled with delightful sweetness.


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

It’s been awhile

I haven’t been able to blog for quite some time.  Life happened and I got overwhelmed.  Words just escaped me and I left it up to Holly to tell our story on Caring Bridge.  She found the words when I couldn’t.  I’m still not sure I have the words to explain how I feel right now.  But I’ve always loved to write so I’ll try.
I’m not going to attempt to recap the past several months.  So much has happened and I’m still processing it all.  Writing has always been my way of working through stuff so eventually I know I’ll write about my grief.  But not today.  Today I want to focus on the happy stuff.  Like my gorgeous new nephew Beckett.  I cannot wait to snuggle that precious baby boy. 🥰😍 Today I want to think about Avi and Mitch.  Those two are besties and I love it!  Although I’m pretty sure Holly isn’t crazy about some of the things Mitch is teaching Avi (💩💩💩).  Today I want to listen to Evie sing a song while she twirls around and tells me about her day at school.  Today I want to look at pictures of sweet Asa reading her books and just being as cute as she can be.  

Choosing to find happiness doesn’t mean I’m ignoring my grief.  I’m just looking for the positive and taking it one day at a time.
