Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A field trip to Lynd's Fruit Farm

Today was Evie's first field trip with the Tiger class and it was a fun one - apple picking at Lynd's Fruit Farm in Pataskala.  I took off work to chaperone and Evie and I were excited to spend the morning with her class in the apple orchards.  I mentioned before that Pat has been doing drop off and pick up at school and he told me that there was an information sheet on the bulletin board outside Evelyn's room that said we were meeting at the school at 8:30 am.  Strange since school doesn't start until 9:30, but I just figured it was a special day.  So we showed up at her classroom at 8:30 - only to be told we were a full hour early!  Geez!!  A little embarrassing and Pat felt bad for misinforming me, but Evie and I made the best of it and went to Panera 'cause this mama was in serious need of coffee.  Evie chose a Buckeye football cookie (the brainwashing has obviously begun) and we spent the next 45 minutes giggling over Snapchat pictures and having some fun Mama/Evie time.

We finally made it to Lynd's and Evie had a great time picking apples with her friends.  Then they had a lesson on how apple trees are grown and got to sample some apple cider and have a snack.  It really was a fun afternoon and I was happy to meet some of Evie's new friends.  Her teacher Miss Becky told me that Evie is wonderful in class, very helpful and a great friend to the other kids.  Music to my ears!  Let's hope the good reports continue!

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