Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I wuv ew!

Evie has a new thing these days.  She loves everything!  We’ve been watching the Garfield and Snoopy Thanksgiving specials.  I asked her the other night if she wanted to watch Garfield and she gasped and said “I wuv Garfield!”.  Do you want to watch Snoopy…gasp “I wuv Snoopy!”.  She saw her paci on the floor and said “I wuv paci!” (insert happy dance and twirling).  And last night when I got her out of the bath, she called out “ Daddy, where r ew?”  I wuv ew!  I wuv ew!”.  It was so cute.  She makes me smile every day!

My girl likes her accessories! (Sorry the pic is kinda blurry!)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Weekends are the best!

Thank goodness for the weekend!  We really need it after the hectic weeks that we have at our house.  It’s so nice to get to relax a little, sleep in a little and spend a lot of time with my baby girl!

This weekend we had a visit from Kiki and Pops.  They came to help us get our new couch (thank goodness for their help!).  We had such a nice visit with them.  Saturday, we took Evie to Story Time at the library while the guys watched some football.  We went shopping, played outside and Evelyn kept us all entertained with her antics.  My child is a drama queen (well, princess since I am the reigning drama queen in our house! ).  We enjoyed some delicious Chicken Tortilla Soup courtesy of Kiki for dinner – YUM!

Sunday morning we went out to breakfast and then Kiki and Pops headed back to KY to avoid the storms that were headed our way.  Oh, and Evie got her hair trimmed… a first for her!  It was just a teensy, tiny bit in back, but I was so nervous about it that Kiki had to do it.  Now maybe the rest of her hair will catch up to the back!

Go Wildcats!
Singin' in the rain
getting a trim

Friday, November 15, 2013

Time flies...

I’ve gotten bad at updating my blog these days.  Between work and running after Evie, I feel like I don’t have much time for anything else!  But I’ll try and be better.

Life is pretty good these days, if a bit chaotic at times.  Evelyn is growing, learning and changing every day.  She’s a talker.  She can tell us much of what she wants and we can understand her.  Not sure if anyone else could though!  She cannot say “s” or “v” well so any words that begin or contain with those letters are a challenge.  She knows her name and will tell you.  Well, most of the time.  Half the time she tells people that her name is Pa Pa.  Must mean she loves her Pops!  The other half of the time, she says that her name is Evie, but she can’t say the ‘v’ so it comes out as Ah-ee.  She says Marker perfectly though!

She is still completely obsessed with her books, something that thrills me!  I have always loved to read and I’m happy that I get to share this with my little girl.  We are starting to move on a little bit from the short board books to longer books.  It amazes me that she’ll sit through them.  She’s got a lot of energy and does not sit still very often.

I’m hoping to do some Thanksgiving crafts with Evie this year.  I missed the boat with Halloween so we’ll see if we can get something done for Turkey Day.  I have some finger paints that I’ve been waiting to try with her…but I’m still a little wary.  She still has a tendency to put everything in her mouth and I doubt she’d be able to resist tasting the paint.  So far, the most we have done is buy those holiday window clings.  They are simple and non-messy.  She can do them all by herself and she loves them.  She will stand in our front room and take them on and off the windows and just have the best time.   I need to figure out some activities for her to do now that it is getting dark so early.  We used to walk and go to the park, but that’s going to be hard to do during the week now that the time has changed.  There are some play cafés in the area that I’ve been wanting to try.  They has an indoor play space for the kiddos and parents can sit around, mingle and drink coffee.  Maybe now is the time!  I can be sort of shy in social situations like that, but I think it could be good for me and Evie.  We could meet some new people and have some fun!  Time is flying these days and I just want to make sure I’m making the most of it!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A little late...

This post is a little late.  I wrote in in October and forgot to post it...oops!

I wish I could video Evie doing all of her cute little mannerisms these days.  She is just bursting with cuteness (at least in our eyes).

We went to Michael’s Craft Store last night.  Of course there are lots of Halloween decorations around and Evie is scared of most of them.  I picked up a squishy plastic spider and asked her to touch.  She did – and then proceeded to glare at me and give me the dirtiest looks because she didn’t like it.
When we got home, we decided to color.  I got her some new crayons and a Minnie Mouse coloring book (to which she yelled ‘Mouse! Mouse!’ when she saw it).  She proceeded to lie on her tummy on the ground and color away. And she only tried to eat the crayons twice!  That’s progress!

She loves copying me right now.  We got her a little broom and whenever I sweep the floor, she runs and gets her broom so that she can ‘help’.  Yesterday, I was running the vacuum and when I turned around, she was behind me mimicking my actions with her toy lawn mower.  I made the bed and patted the edge when I was done, and she had to come over and pat the bed too.  I smacked my lips and said “ah!” when I took a drink of water, and she did it as well.  If I put on chapstick, she needs some too.  If I lie down the ground and pretend to sleep, she will lay down right next time, shut her eyes and pretend as well.  She always looks so proud when she copies me.  Let’s just hope she only copies the good things!  Note to self – BE ON MY BEST BEHAVIOR!

She does not like it when Crosby gets near her food and she will tell him that in no uncertain terms.  If he so much as looks her direct while she’s eating, she will wag her finger at him and screech ‘ No Cos! No! No!”.  She had a small bowl of crackers the other day and managed to spill it on the ground.  “Oh no!” she cried.  And the proceeded to freak out because Crosby came over and tried to eat the crackers before she could pick them up.  He got few and she threw an all-out fit.  She flung herself on the ground and cried “no! no! No Cos!”.  Obviously we are still working on sharing…

Her current favorite song is Skinamarinky Dinky Dink.  I found a video for the ‘Elephant Show’ from the 1980’s on You Tube and played the song for her.  She was so excited!  She sang along as best she could and did the hand motions.  Adorable!

Evie is kind of obsessed with boo boos right now.  She has a few scratches on her knees from falling down and when she sees them, she will gasp, say “oh no!” and continually repeat ‘boo boo’ until I come and kiss it.  If you tell her that you have a boo boo, she will insist on kissing it to make it better.