Monday, March 31, 2014

Sesame Street Live!

This past Saturday, we took Evie to see Sesame Street Live at the Palace Theater in downtown Columbus.  It was our birthday present to her and we were all very excited about it!  We weren’t sure how Evie would do with sitting through the whole show and I have to admit that I was  little nervous that she would get restless and lose it halfway through, but in the end, she was well-behaved and had a blast!

We started our day getting her dressed her Sesame Street denim jumper (a gift from Kiki and Pops) and heading the Sweet Clove Sunshine CafĂ© for breakfast.  Delicious!  After breakfast we went to the theatre.  We tried not to get there too early (in an effort to keep Evie from getting fidgety), but we still made it there a half hour before show time.  Evie really seemed to like the theatre, the red seats and all of the commotion. We had aisle seats and after a while, she really wanted to get out of our row and explore.  Right when I thought one of us might have to walk around with her outside, Elmo’s voice sounded throughout the theatre, asking  all of the kids to stay in their seats because the show was going to start soon!  When Evie heard Elmo’s voice, she go the biggest grin on her face and sat down right away.
Soon, the lights dimmed and the show started.  It was difficult to capture the sheer look of joy and wonder on Evelyn’s face when all of her favorite Sesame Street characters came out to dance and sing on stage.  But I think I got a pretty good shot…

She climbed up on Pat’s lap and sat there absolutely mesmerized.  She bopped her head along with music and clapped her hands with happiness.  It was awesome.  We had great seats and she could see everything perfectly.  Plus, they were on the aisle so when some of the characters would come down from the stage, they would come right past us and she got to reach out and touch them!  At first, she got a little scared by this, but by the end, she was all about it.  She was so excited when Cookie Monster shook her hand!
It was such a cute show and we all had a great time.  I’m so glad that we decided to take her.  She really was such a good girl the entire time and had so much fun!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

I want a Cheerio!

Evie is at a stage where she somewhat understands that actions have consequences.  I would say that it is still hard to reason with her (as it probably is with any two-year-old), but she is starting to grasp the concept that good behavior = a reward and bad behavior = not getting what you want and/or a time out.  I wish I could say that this means that she’s always good, but that’s not the case.  She’s learning right from wrong, but oftentimes she just doesn’t care.  When she’s doing something that she shouldn’t be doing, like eating a crayon, she’ll hide in corner or behind a chair.   She knows that she’s not supposed to eat crayons so she’ll hide it from us.  She knows it is ‘bad’ behavior so I guess that’s something.  Now we if she would just stop eating the crayons…
Going along with this trying to get Evie to understand the concept that she cannot everything she wants exactly when she wants it.  Now, I know plenty of adults who have yet to grasp this concept so it’s important to me to help Evie understand this now.  That being said, she is doesn’t really grasp it at all yet.  The other night we were in a store and Evie said “I want a Cheerio”.  The following ‘conversation’ ensued:

Evie:  I want a Cheerio.
Me:  That is not how a nice girl asks for something.
Evie:  Pweese.
I check the diaper bag and realize that we don’t have any Cheerios.
Me:  I don’t have any Cheerios. 
Evie:  I want a Cheerio!
Me:  I’m sorry Evie.  I don’t have any right now.  You have to wait til we go home.
Evie:  No Mama!  No!  I want a Cheerio!
Me:  I don’t have any Evie.  You will have to wait!
Evie:  I want a Cheerio!  I want a Cheerio!  I WANT A CHEERIO!
Me:  You need to stop yelling.  This is not how a good girl acts.
Evie:  No Mama!  No!  I not be good girl.  I bad girl!!
Um….seriously.  Well, at least she’s honest.

This is a somewhat extreme reaction that happens when she doesn’t get what she wants right away.  Pat and I can usually distract her with something else and get her to refocus, but not always.  We do always try and be consistent though.  If we tell her that she will get a reward for bring good, we follow though.  We were Babies R Us the other day and they have one of those rides in the front of the store.  This ride happens to be Barney.  As soon as Evie saw it she said “Barney!  I want Barney!”  I told her that I needed to find her a new shirt, but that if she was a good little girl, we could see Barney on our way out.  Miraculously, she accepted that and was good the entire time I shopped.  As we went to leave, I hoped that she had forgotten about Barney, but as soon as we checked out, she said “Barney Mama!”.  How could I deny her when she had done exactly what I asked?  So she got to sit next to Barney (we did not actually turn the ride on).   It took a bit of convincing to get her to leave Barney when we were done, but we left the store without any tears or tantrums.  And I consider that a victory.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Two year olds are crazy

“A two-year old is kind of like having a blender, but you don't have a top for it.” - Jerry Seinfeld

Evie definitely makes our life interesting these days.  I think I’ve mentioned before that she has definitely entered the two-year old stage.  I wouldn’t say that it’s terrible – most of the time.  We have our ‘bad’ moments – full on temper tantrums, crying fits, sobbing on the ground because she didn’t get her way, even hitting and pinching sometimes.  We let her know in no uncertain terms that these types of behaviors are unacceptable and that she will not get her way by throwing a tantrum.  But reasoning with a two year old is easier said than done.  We utilize ‘time out’ when needed (one minute per years old according to her dr.).  I don’t know that it helps her to understand that her behavior was wrong, but it does give her a second to chill out and refocus – definitely a good thing if she’s in tantrum mode! 
She’s not like this all the time though.  Most of the time, she a sweet little girl!  She says please, thank you and “I sorry”.  She loves to snuggle and give hugs and kisses.  She plays hard and laughs constantly.  She loves to be my little helper when I’m sweeping up the kitchen or cleaning up toys.  While she’s still learning how to share with her friends, she will often demonstrate that she does know how to share and empathize with others.  The other day, I was sitting on the couch and I said I was cold.  She heard me, grabbed her favorite blankie and covered me up with it say “Here you go Mama”.   What a sweetie!  She’s also so smart.  She’ll sing her “ABC’s”, she knows most of her colors and she loves to count things.  We are still working on getting all of the numbers right, but she’s doing great!

Like I said, she keeps it interesting.  Here are some recent ‘Evie-isms”:

Evie doesn’t say ‘hold me” when she wants up to pick her up.  She says “hold you”. 

Evie loves to play in her kitchen.  When you ask her what she in doing, she will tell you that she is making soup.  You haven’t lived until you’ve tried her egg-bologna-yogurt-corn soup.

She had to go to ‘timeout’ the other day.  I sat her down and I told her that I didn’t like it when she was a mean girl.  She glared at me and said “I not like you Mama!”  Seriously?!  Two years old and it starts already! 

We were in the grocery store and she decided that she did not want me to touch the grocery cart.  Every time I tried to push it, she would push my hands away, saying ‘Get away Mama!”  So I pushed the cart a little ahead of me and let it go, thinking that it would scare her a little and she’d let me push the cart.   My little daredevil did not get scared and wanted me to do it again.  Oi.

Evie has decided that she doesn’t want her food cubed anymore.  I was cutting up cheese for her lunch and she started saying “No no no!  Big Mama! Big!”  She would only eat the cheese if I cut it in slices and threw all of the cubed cheese to Crosby.

We have taught her not to wake people up by smacking them in the face.  Seems like commons sense, but I guess when you are two you need to be told them things!  Anyway, she still ends up sleeping in our bed a lot so we told her that if she need us to wake up, she should give us a kiss.  She loves doing this – and it’s much nice to wake up to a kiss from my little girl than a bop on the nose.

I was doing a prenatal fitness video the other day while she played with her toys.  I looked over and realized that she had started to do the video with me.  She was lifting her arms above her head and taking deep breaths.  She did downward facing dog and knee lifts.  Then, there was a movement where you are kind of moving your hips in a circle and, given that this a workout for pregnant woman, this means you are sticking our stomach out.  Evie stuck her little belly way out and then stopped, lifted up her shirt, stared at her belly, then grabbed it with both hands and squished it, almost like she was trying to make it stick out further.  Needless to say, I was cracking up!

As a special treat, Evie had orange juice with her breakfast while we were visiting Kiki and Pops.  The next day at dinner, I have her a cup of milk and she said “No Mama.  I want ‘ello (yellow) milk”. 

At breakfast one Saturday, she wouldn’t really eat anything.  I got her down from her highchair, turned on some cartoons and let her play.  Then I sat down to eat some oatmeal and have a cup of coffee.  As soon as I sat down, she came over and stood next to me with her mouth open.  I gave her a bite of my oatmeal (which, by the way was unsweetened with just some banana in it).   She proceeded to eat most of the bowl.  I’ve decided that maybe I shouldn’t even bother to give her a separate plate of food anymore – she only wants what’s on my plate anyway!

Life with Evie is never boring!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Evie's Birthday Party

Evelyn’s birthday party was so much fun and we were so happy to get to celebrate with our family and friends.  Unfortunately Aunt Holly had a wedding and Uncle Adam had a big school project so they couldn’t make it, but we will see them soon hopefully!!

This year, Evie’s party had a Mickey Mouse theme.  Evie just loves Mickey!  Our friend (and the baker at Barcelona) Stephanie made an wonderful Mickey birthday cake and it was delicious!  Evelyn was just amazed by the cake and kept saying “It’s Mickey!”.  We tried to have lots of Evie’s favorite foods – bacon-wrapped shrimp appetizers (she loves bacon – just like her daddy), hummus with veggies (carrots are one of the only raw veggies she will eat), Cincinnati-style chili for dinner, fruit salad packed full of her favorite blueberries, popcorn and of course cake & ice cream.  We danced and laughed and played with balloons.  Evie opened her presents and told everyone ‘thank you’ and gave them a hug.  It’s important to Pat and I that she do this after each and every present – we do not want to raise an ungrateful child.  She got so many cute things and she is one spoiled little girl!  She loved it when everyone sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to her and even blew out her ‘2’ candle all by herself.   We spent the rest of the evening just playing with new toys and watching basketball.  It was a busy, fun, wonderful day!

We followed up the party with my mom and Shannon making breakfast the next day.  A delicious egg casserole and cinnamon swirl coffee cake – YUM!!  Needless to say, we ate well over the weekend.

I get a little teary thinking that my baby is 2.  She’s so big now – a little girl and not a baby.  I love watching her grow and learn new things, but I want time to slow down a little so that she stops growing up so fast!

Here are a few pictures from the party.  I didn't take very many unfortunately, but we got some cute shots!
Evie and her Pops!

With Aunt Sha-Sha

Evie with Grandpa Tim and Katharine

I didn't get one of Evie and her grandma from the party, but this is a recent picture that I thought was cute. :)
Cracking up with Kiki

Tried for a family shot, but she wouldn't hold still

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Daddy spoils his girl

This is what happens when Pat and Evie have Daddy Daughter Day.  A trip to the Disney store for new friends. Completely spoiled - and very happy - liitle girl.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Two Year checkup

Evie has her two year checkup yesterday.  She did awesome!   She was so good the whole time.  She did exactly what the nurses asked – took off her shoes, stepped up on the scale, stood against the wall to be measured.  They took blood from her toe and she didn’t even flinch.  She was actually really fascinated watching the nurse squeeze the blood from her toe (they had to get little samples on a piece of paper to test her hemoglobin and for lead).  She weights 28lbs (around the 80th percentile) and is 33 inches tall (around the 60th percentile).  She had an eye exam that she passed with flying colors.  She’s got 16 teeth and the only ones expected to come in are the 2 year molars (yippee – can’t wait!).  She talked to the doctor and answered the doctor’s questions very well!  When the doctor said “Can I look in your ears?  Where are they?”, Evie answered “Right here!” and pointed to her ears.  The doctor was impressed by her speech and how many words she is putting together.  She said that it sounds like her speech is a little advanced, closer to that of a three year old than a two year old.  I was not surprised – we definitely have a talker!  But back to her ears – she had ANOTHER double ear infection.  She had one about a month ago too.  She came down with a cold last week and that led to an ear infection.  I had no idea – she just had a runny nose and cough, no fever at all.  This is her 4th ear infection so if it happens again, I think we may be sent to a specialist to talk about tubes.

Last, but not least, Evie got two shots.  I gave her a lollipop beforehand to distract her.  She cried for half a second and then was fine.  Evie was a rockstar for her checkup and she won’t need any more vaccinations (other than a yearly flu shot) until kindergarten.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Evie!

I can't believe it's been two years since I saw my sweet girl's face for the first time.  Two years since I first snuggled her and cover her with kisses.  Two years since her daddy's eyes filled with tears as he held his baby girl for the first time.  It's been two years of kisses and hugs, love and joy.  Two years of fun and laughter and new discoveries.  Two years of learning to be parents.  TWO YEARS.  It's hard to believe so much time has passed already and I wish I had a way to slow it down just a little. Our girl has definitely entered the two year old phase - sweet as honey one second, stubborn and misbehaving the next.  I'm told that it's normal so we are just trying to handle those frustrating moments as best we can.  It's amazing how we can be so exasperated one second and then Evie will look at us and say 'I love you' or 'I sorry.  I not mean it' and we just melt.  She definitely has us wrapped around her little finger most days!
Today we will have a party to celebrate Evie's birthday.  Evie is excited to tell everyone "I two!" and have cake and ice cream and we can't wait to celebrate her birthday with family and friends.
Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Evie!  We love to the moon and back again!

1 week

6 months
1 year
18 months

Today.  2 years old.  Bright and early!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

March fun!

The beginning of March has been fun.  We travelled to KY to celebrate my dad’s 60th birthday with a surprise party.  Pat and I pretended that we had plans to take Evie and meet up with friends so at first Evie’s Pops was disappointed not to get to spend the whole weekend with her.  We actually took Evie over to G.G. Mitchell’s house and two of my cousins babysat for her during the party.  Boy did she have fun with Molly and Heidi!  They walked to the lake and fed the ducks, played in a box full of packing peanuts, read books, colored and watched movies.  Evie was one happy (and exhausted) girl when we picked her up!  The surprise party was a great success and I think everyone had fun – especially my dad!  We had to leave bright and early the next day due to weather, which was a major bummer.  But better safe than sorry.

We’ve tried to take advantage of the good weather while it’s around.  This past weekend we went to the park and Evie ran around like a crazy person.  It’s crazy to see how much she’s changed since the last time we were able to go the park (I think that was November).  She was climbing on things by herself, bouncing on the see-saw (and telling me how to sit on it) and going down the slides all by herself.  On Saturday, we ventured downtown for a street sale and had lunch at a El Arepazo, a Venezuelan restaurant.  Evie was so good while we were there.  She loved the beans and rice and even tried some plantain.  We’ve been able to spend time outside the past few days as well.   Evie still hasn’t gotten the hang of moving herself in her Cozy Coupe, but she loves sitting in it and moving backwards.  We went for a walk.  Tiny things that she does tell me that she’s growing up.  She’s so much more aware than she was even a few months ago.  She loves to point out things that she sees – plastic deer in someone’s yard, a dog, the sound of a train in the distance.  We sang songs and she actually sang along!  After our walk, we blew bubbles and she was so proud to be able to do this all by herself.  At first, she blew too hard, but when I reminded her to blow gently, she was blowing perfect bubbles.  Her smile when she did this priceless!  She even took turns with me and let blow some bubbles.

We’re keeping our fingers crossed that this cold weather being predicted isn’t too bad.  We got a taste of spring and we are so ready for more!  Until then, we are busy preparing for
Evie’s *gulp* 2nd Birthday Party this coming weekend.  More on that later.  For now, here are a few pics from my Dad's party.