and boy is it LOUD! My child likes to scream. A lot. And the top of her lungs. She's not necessarily screaming and crying. She's just screaming because she can. She'll scream when she wants our attention. She'll scream when she gets excited. She'll scream when she's frustrated and upset. At first it was funny. But it's quickly getting annoying and frustrating for us because we can't ask her to stop. We can say "Shh!!". We tell her in a quiet voice not to scream in the house. But as of today, she doesn't understand. She is still learning what no means and when we say "No screaming!", it's a toss up if she'll quiet down or bring it up an octave. Our little one may be a soprano - she hits octaves with her screaming that can burst eardrums :)
We love her to bits - but we are definitely hoping she learns to use her indoor voice!
Haha I love the picture!!!