Wednesday, May 13, 2015

11 months and growing!

11 months already?!  What?!  I can hardly believe that we will be celebrating our little guy’s 1st birthday in a month.  Time is flying and I wish I could find a way to hit the pause button for just a minute. 

The past month with Mitchell has been both difficult and wonderful.  It was difficult because he spent a great deal of time cutting teeth and fighting a cold.  Poor little man was a little bit miserable for a while.  We made it through and, with the aid of Motrin and lots of snuggles, Mitch is now sporting two new teeth (for a total of 4) and his cold is finally going away.  We've spent a lot of time at home lately due to my broken foot and Mitch being under the weather.  As a result, we've been able to slowly get Mitch into a better sleep pattern.  He’s a little bit of an insomniac sometimes and he’s not a fan of his crib.  Up to now, we've not been able to get him to take regular naps.  He would basically just go, go, go and then fight sleep before finally giving into exhaustion and taking a 15 minute cat nap.  I know that I didn't help the situation at all because I love to just sit and rock him in the evening after Evie has gone to bed.  We both enjoyed that quiet time together, but it got us into a pattern that was hard to break.  We realized something had to change and, with some perseverance and routine changes, Mitch is now taking two naps a day and sleeping in his crib the majority of the time.  He’s not sleeping through the night in long stretches, but he will sometimes sleep 4-5 hours at night which is an improvement.  We’re still getting up with him at least once a night, but we can usually get him back to sleep pretty quickly.  I am trying to pause before I go into his room and see if he will get himself back to sleep.  It’s worked a few times, but he usually stands in his crib and cries until I go and get him. 

Outside of sleep, Mitch has also made strides with walking.  He’s a full-fledged walker now and is starting to crawl less and less.  Pat and I have been amazed at how quickly he’s advanced.  We were out talking to the neighbors the other day and Mitchell decided to just walk down the driveway.  He made it almost to the next house before he stumbled.  But even then, he just got back up and kept going.  He’s got good balance and can crouch down to pick stuff up and walk across the room carrying his cup or a toy. 
He never stops moving!

Verbally, Mitchell still isn't saying too much other than Mama and Dada.  He will also say ‘uh oh’ and ‘hi’ (although this sounds more like ‘die’ to me).  We’re trying to get him to say ‘bye-bye’, but so far he will just say ‘ba’.  He likes to babble to himself and he is learning to make his requests known.  This is especially evident at meal time.  Mitchell loves to eat and he has not trouble letting us know when he’s hungry.  He’s isn't eating much baby food these days.  We still give him a jar of fruit in the morning and maybe a Gerber yogurt cup with some baby oatmeal mixed in it, but mostly, he just eats what we are eating.  If I can cut it up small enough, he will eat it.  I’m thankful that I haven’t seen any evidence of food allergies.  He’s had eggs, dairy and wheat with no reaction.  We try and keep his diet very healthy and I’m not really a fan of giving him refined sugar, but he does get the occasional taste of a cookie or ice cream.  He’s still nursing or having a bottle every 4 hours or so.  We introduced the sippy cup and he’s getting pretty good at drinking his water.  I’m hoping to wean him off the bottle and nursing around a year, but I’m anticipating a little bit more of a struggle with him than I had with Evie.  Let’s just say he’s very attached to his mama.

Speaking of attachment, Mitchell is getting more social.  He’s still timid in new situations and crowds, but he’s starting to gain some confidence, especially now that he can walk.  He’s seems fascinated by new things and, as long as he knows we are nearby, he likes to explore.  That said, there are times when he only wants to be held by his mama.  This can be a challenge, especially if he’s like this first thing in the morning when I am trying to get ready for work.  He’ll hang off my leg, sucking his thumb and chanting “Ma ma ma ma” until I pick him up.  I’ve gotten pretty good at putting on makeup while holding him.  Pat tries to help, but Mitch will just struggle to get down and then make a beeline back to me.  It’s frustrating for everyone…he’s definitely a Mama’s boy!
Overall, Mitchell is doing fantastic.  He’s an absolute joy and such a good baby!

Happy 11 Months Big Boy!

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