Friday, August 21, 2015

Evie starts preschool!

This past Wednesday was Evie's first day of preschool at Linworth Children’s Center.  Pat and I were both nervous and excited for her.  In the weeks leading up to her first day, we spent time talking to her about what school would be like.  We explained that she would need to listen to her teacher and follow the classroom rules.  We reminded her to be kind to the other children and remember her manners.  We checked out books about going to school from the library and we got her a new backpack along with some new school clothes.  We did the best we could to prepare her and get her excited for the start of school.  
My big girl

We were fairly confident that she would be just fine on her first day since she’s a fairly social little girl and she loves talking and meeting new people.  Thankfully, we were correct and she did great!   She had one tiny moment when I was about to leave the room, but her teacher came over, took her hand and led her away to color a picture.  I snuck out and had to tell myself not to look back and hover.  When Pat and I picked her up a few hours later, she ran into our arms, happy and excited to tell us about her first day. 

 It’s a little surreal for me that she’s already in preschool.  I know that she’s only 3 and it’s only for two days a week, but still.  This seems like such a big milestone.  She’s growing up so quickly and I’m not sure I’m ready for the tremendous influence friends and the outside world will have on my baby.  It’s true that she’s gone to babysitter since she was three months old, but this is different.  The sitter’s environment is so small and she’s grown up with several of the children there.  Preschool seems so much bigger (even if she does only have 9 kids in her class).  The kids at preschool are all her age, instead of younger, so she’s more likely to be influenced by them.  Hopefully it’s in a good way (and hopefully she’s a good influence on them as well!).  I hope and pray that this year is a good one for her.  I look forward to seeing her grow and change, but my heart aches a little too.  She will always be my baby, but she’s leaving the baby years behind for good whether I’m ready for it or not. 

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